Tristan Pigottb.1990Artist As Medium, 2017Signed and dated on the reverseOil on linen, oil painted beer can, crisp packet, papier-mâché140 x 95cm
Tristan Pigottb.1990Fake Plastic Flowers, 2017Signed and dated on the reverseOil on linen105 x 80cm
Tristan Pigottb.1990Hold The Line, 2016Signed and dated on the reverseOil on linen170 x 130cm
Tristan Pigottb.1990Juicy Bits, 2017Signed and dated on the reverseOil on linen160 x 120 cm
Tristan Pigottb.1990Middle Class Still Life On Antidepressants, 2016Signed and dated on the reverseOil on linen85 x 64cm
Tristan Pigottb.1990Miracle Grow, 2017Signed and dated on the reverseOil on linen140 x 91cm
Tristan Pigottb.1990Provisional Feelings, 2017Signed and dated on the reverseOil on linen135 x 110cm
Tristan Pigottb.1990SMS Me, 2016Signed and dated on the reverseOil on linen90 x 80cm